2 definitions by Heh gl

Roblox Sword Clan in which the best, most good looking member, is PatientCicero.

Member "Blaeded" is being investigated for the spread of misinformation.
Did you hear how The Kiddy Clan got shutdown?

Yeah, don't worry, PatientCicero is still in Havoc Ascendancy.
by Heh gl September 19, 2018
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A Roblox War Clan owned by "Xegic" (A known PastelKiddy Imposter), in which the most good looking member is PatientCicero, and not the rumored "Blaeded"
Are they seriously adding a Gun Division to Havoc Ascendancy?

Yeah, that groups really gone downhill since Cicero left..
by Heh gl September 19, 2018
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