25 definitions by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel

1. The news of that of which are headline
2. A song by Weird Al
1. Whoa. Dude. Did you see the headline news last night? The news on that informative program can be describe by the adjective "headline!"
2. Whoa. Dude. Did you hear that song "Headline News" by Weird Al? It is such a ripoff of Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm by the Crash Test Dummies.
by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel May 27, 2005
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Dude 1: ...Because 7 8 9!
Dude 2: Heh.
Dude 1: Whoah. You are so fo' shizellin'.
Dude 2: Nice rendition of the spelling of the word "woah". I'm too fo' shizzelin' to hang with you. Get out of my sight.
Dude 1: Yes, sir! Spare me!
by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel May 29, 2005
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To gain more fatness, or to become more fat than you were before.
Holy crap, Joe, did you just get fatter?
by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel May 29, 2005
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Alternative for the word "spam" in message boards on July 4th.
Dude: It's the 4th of July!
Other dude: LOOK AT MY WEBSITE!!
Dude: Dude, stop spreading hotdogs.
by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel May 29, 2005
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