25 definitions by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel

A CD that has been spawned at MicroSoft.
An Apple engineer once said "They say, if you play a MicroSoft CD backwards, you can hear satan. But that's nothing. Play it forward and it installs Windows! :O"
by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel May 27, 2005
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A surprisingly iPod-worthy mainstream rock/punk/pop band with some nice beats. Their first hit, "The Middle", never gets old.
Regis Philbin made fun of Jimmy Eat World, and said they sucked, but who cares? He's REGIS!
by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel June 5, 2005
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What cool dudes say when someone's being a noob.
Noob: *spams up the boards*
Cool dude: Wow. You fail at the internets.
by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel June 3, 2005
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Like could, only replace the c with a sh.
Dude 1: C--
Dude 2: Sh!
Dude 3: You should.
Dude 4: I don't know...
Dude 5: Do it!
Dude 1: Okay.
by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel May 29, 2005
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The most awesome man ever. He pitied da foo and liked to bust foo's haids.
Foo: Hey.
Mr. T: Shut yo jibba-jabba, foo, fo' I bust yo haid!
by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel May 29, 2005
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