2 definitions by Goldeneye the Furry

Omnisexual people are similar to pansexual people.

Pansexual people are known as “gender blind” which means they look past the persons gender and look just at the person themselves.

Omnisexual people take in account of the persons gender and sway toward one, but they don’t really care in the long run.
Friend: Can I ask a question?
Me: Sure, go ahead.
Friend: What’s your sexuality? I think I’m bicurious.
Me: Cool. I’m omnisexual.
Friend: Awesome! How can you tell?
Me: Well, I’m attracted to any gender, but I sway more toward guys. I don’t really mind their gender, though.
Friend: That’s pretty cool.
by Goldeneye the Furry December 8, 2018
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A person that acts like a dog or puppy. They use these masks for stress relief and/or for a sexual fetish. If you are a pup, you do not have to be sexual - you can just act like a pup for stress relief.
Person: “Have you heard of the pup play community?”

Pup: “Of course. Who hasn’t?”

Person: “Well, I heard it’s just a sexual fetish.”

Pup: “Well, yeah, part of the community uses it as a sexual fetish, but you actually don’t need to be a sexual pup. Some people use it as stress relief or as an escape from reality.”

Person: “Oh, that’s actually pretty cool!”

Pup: “Yup. I guess sense you brought it up, I’m actually a pup!”

Person: “Really? That’s cool! Sexual or no?”

Pup: “Non sexual. Just play and relief.”
by Goldeneye the Furry April 6, 2019
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