10 definitions by Ghost*Writer


by Ghost*Writer September 9, 2022
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Lucy is a female name meaning Light. When You first meet a Lucy she will immediately judge you, but there's still a chance you can be best friends. Lucy will make you very happy and excited to see her again, and she will always brighten your day. She is very talented in many small things, but looks up to you for almost everything. She will give you a reason to live. Lucy loves activities that include being with people, but she doesn't like talking to anyone randomly. When she is comfortable, or in a comfortable surrounding, you won't believe how open she is to everyone. Lucy loves to prank people, and she is very hard to prank herself. Lucy will always fill your heart. She has great Hair and an unbelievable personality. Lucy is very insecure, but she has no reason to be! Sometimes she talks to herself for expert advice, and she is very smart. She is the best at writing and math. If you ever meet a Lucy, you won't be disappointed.
Person 1: "Did you see Lucy today?"
Person 2: "Yeah! She's so pretty!"
by Ghost*Writer September 12, 2022
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Lily is a female name. When you first meet a Lily, you will immediately become friends. She will complain that she was "forced to meet you" but really, she's just glad to have a friend. A Lily thinks she is very mean and sarcastic, and easily gets her feelings hurt. Most Lily's have siblings and are Narcissists. A Lily is very nice when you aren't her sister. If you are a friend of a Lily, she will forever and always be a dork, but she will still love you. (as a friend)
You :"Hey, Lily! Want to be friends?"

Lily: "Yes!! We can wear the same outfits every day of the week, and we can paint each other's faces every Wednesday, and we can make matching necklaces that say 'best friends' but, like in a heart shape, and..."
by Ghost*Writer September 10, 2022
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Lily is a female name. When you first meet a Lily, you will immediately become friends. She will complain that she was "forced to meet you" but really, she's just glad to have a friend. A Lily thinks she is very mean and sarcastic, and easily gets her feelings hurt. Most Lily's have siblings and are Narcissists. A Lily is very nice when you aren't her sister. If you are a friend of a Lily, she will forever and always be a dork, but she will still love you. (as a friend)
You :"Hey, Lily! Want to be friends?"

Lily: "Yes!! We can wear the same outfits every day of the week, and we can paint each other's faces every wednesday, and we can make matching necklaces that say 'best friends' but, like in a heart shape, and..."
by Ghost*Writer September 10, 2022
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"Oh no! Cockroach!"
by Ghost*Writer September 10, 2022
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Ur Mom

An annoying, yet addictive slang for when someone has nothing else to say.
Whoever: "What's your favorite color?"
You: "Ur mom."
by Ghost*Writer September 10, 2022
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