2 definitions by Fugma Balls
The act of masturbation but in different words to supposedly make the word sound less weird or awkward
Friend: Hey dude, watcha doin' up at 3:00am in the morning?
Other Guy: I'm up to beat my meat
Friend: Haha, yeahh....
Other Guy: I'm up to beat my meat
Friend: Haha, yeahh....
by Fugma Balls August 25, 2018
The joke term that is used to fool people by saying "Ligma" as in a medical term or any kind of term that is suppose to mean: "Lick my"
Guy: Hey dude, your doctor called me, and he told me you have ligma, i'm so sorry
Friend: My doctor? wait, what's Ligma?
Guy: Ligma balls
Friend: My doctor? wait, what's Ligma?
Guy: Ligma balls
by Fugma Balls August 25, 2018