9 definitions by Frank da tank

placing your mouth all the way down on the males genitals; until it is almost possible to get the balls in there as well.

when a woman loves nothing more in her mouth tham a large throbbing cock, and would fight for the right to have this in her mouth.
by Frank da tank August 21, 2006
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to lure a lady of the evening over to yourself or your vehicle and let her get close by asking a question in a low voice. When she approaches you , you really molly wop her in the face.
Me and Jeff went "Hooker Punching" after we pulled the robber on our old ladies.
by Frank da tank August 23, 2006
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usually performed in the Month of October when Halloween Mask are readily available. You and your partner engage in sexual intercourse while wearing these Monster Masks.
What are you doing tonight?

Frank and I are going to be "Monster Fucking" after we Trick or Treat.
by Frank da tank August 23, 2006
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from what I have been told; you bust into your own house with a ski mask or a stocking brandishing a knife, gun, club or any blunt object and throw your wife, girfirend or female friends onto bed, floor, or furniture. Rip their clothing off and have sex with them. Never revealing your identity until after the action is finished.
To friend: My wife called the cops after I pulled "the robber" on her.
by Frank da tank August 23, 2006
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when you are left with nothing useful or nothing at all; worthless.
What the fuck man, this shit is worth balls on toast.
by Frank da tank August 8, 2006
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when a latino males name is confusing or is to hard to pronounce.

when a latino males latino origin is unknown.
My little mexican friend here....

Man, I'm Cuban B

Yes.... CUBAN B
by Frank da tank August 11, 2006
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a man equipped with nine inches (or more) of sexual pleasure

Bob: Hey my name is Bob.
Hot Slut: Nice to meet you Bob.
Bob: Did you know I am swinging a nine iron.
Hot Slut: Wow, I would really like to put my mouth on that.
by Frank da tank August 9, 2006
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