4 definitions by Erin silva

a person who is very slow, un smart, or is just plain stupid

a hair color

the biggest prep in your school!
she is such a blonde!
by Erin silva May 12, 2004
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slang word for yea or yes
"yo do you like that shiz?" "cha!"
by Erin silva May 12, 2004
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a person who is slow, a blond, someone who never gets a joke or any thing for that matter, unless explained numerous amouts of times.
smart person: knock knock
slowie: umm whos there?
smart: whyyoucryin
slowie: whyyoucryin who?
smart: no really why you cryin?
slowie: uhhhh i dont get it
smart: uggg slowie!
by Erin silva May 12, 2004
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