3 definitions by Empire Ants

A person who is obsessed with a young person named Justin Bieber. This type of fan will love anything that sounds high-pitched that comes out of a young teenage girl. Most of the time, they are fat and ugly and would jump off The Empire State building if Bieber said jump. These fans commonly associate with fans of the same species. Some of the fans they associate with include: the Jonas Brothers, Katy Perry, Hannah Montana, and Big Time Rush fans. WARNING: If you are to see one in public, DO NOT APPROACH.
So yeah and we starte/...Fuck.


Justin Bieber fan.

Fuck. I got pepper spray.

Do it.
by Empire Ants February 13, 2011
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Guy 1: Dude! they took an ipod and a book and mashed it together!

Guy 2: What a clusterfuck!
by Empire Ants February 17, 2011
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A person who has a decent taste in movies, music, artwork, and almost everything. This person knows why Justin Bieber is a false icon and knows the real music of yesterday and will not listen to anything made by Disney or comes out of a Los Angeles studio. This person mostly likely knows good musicians like The Beatles, The Doors, Donavan, The Turtles, The Clash, Johnny Cash, Nirvana, George Thorogood, and many many more. This person mostly likely hates the following bands: Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, Big Time Rush, and Hannah Montana. One of the reasons why this person hates these people are because the know that the only reason the false icons "sing" is to make money and get rich. He/She will have a great life, get married, and rock out.
Punk rock girl: You a Justin Bieber hater?

Guy: Yeah.

Punk rock girl: Wanna go fuck?

Guy: Yeah.
by Empire Ants February 13, 2011
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