4 definitions by Elena Chantal


n. When an opportunity for a stand-up paddleboard (SUP) adventure presents, it can be described as a supportunity.
Alex: Hey! Beautiful day to be out on the water!
Julie: Sounds like a supportunity!
Alex: Awesome sauce!
by Elena Chantal July 25, 2021
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Exclamation about a meal that exceeds expectations with respect to taste and quality .
Ann: “What did you think of this garlic mushroom pasta dish?
Fred: “Yumba!”
by Elena Chantal September 27, 2020
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v. To flexibly adapt or modify plans in the moment or “on the fly”.
Jill: How about opening a red?
Susan: Oh no. We’re grilling fish for dinner.
Jill: No problem! We’ll modifly. Chardonnay!
by Elena Chantal April 26, 2021
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(Adj.) A lifestyle in which we see fields of corn from our windows, and not the neighbors, but we can still grab an artisanal coffee on the way to work. And after work we can go out to a fancy dinner, but we never do.
Jodie: I dropped the kids off for a play date at Pig N’ Play, grabbed a Green Tea Latte, and now I’m heading back home and cruising by fields and ponds with not a soul in sight.
Gregg: You are so ruburban.
by Elena Chantal July 25, 2021
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