1 definition by Dr. Edward Gneumhjort

a Humblehort is a kinda quirky boy who loves games such as Minecraft and Undertale. Humblehorts can only be seen rarely roaming the lands of Southeastern North America and West Europe. Humblehorts love the taste of cheese, beer, and onions, if you want a Humblehort for yourself, you need to use one of these items to gain it's trust. There is a very popular Humblehort, also known as Tyler Blevins, who is known by many 4-8 year-olds from around the world. Humblehorts come in a big variety, though they mostly wear eye-patches from scars during mating season and beards they usually acquire at the age of 15, they can be seen with short hair, or even no hair as there is no use for it to attract gamers from around the world. Humblehorts are creatures that are drawn to battles, every war/battle has had at least one Humblehort, including the Civil War, and the French-Indian War. If you encounter a wild Humblehort, make sure to praise it because of it's contribution in society.
That guy is a Humblehort because of the way he is obsessed with the war...
That Humblehort sure is quirky and funny
by Dr. Edward Gneumhjort October 11, 2019
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