8 definitions by Diamond III Scrublady

Someone who only picks or uses top-tier or "in the meta" characters in a game. This can include hero picks in mobas, deck lists in card games, or a specific setup for a character class in an RPG.
Dude, that guy is such a fuckin' meta slave. He played Zoolock all the way to legend 3 season in a row.
by Diamond III Scrublady July 31, 2016
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Popularized by the griefing group Team Avolition, a swastar is a Star of David with a swastika inscribed within the center hexagon.
Player 1: Did you see what those griefer fucks did?
Player 2: No, what?
Player 1: They tore down a massive build and put up a swastar in its place.
by Diamond III Scrublady March 5, 2017
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seeming compliment turned sarcastic insult. used often by leftists to insult of excessively stupid or shortsighted Neo-Liberal hot takes on current events, history, policies, or other politically relevant matters. derivative from the expanding brain meme, where the most absurd position/behavior/belief is derisively paired with the largest brain.
neolib: see, venezuela is collapsing, socialism never works. is that place the utopia you want?
lefty: galaxy brain position to think that country is even socialist.
by Diamond III Scrublady March 14, 2019
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The automatic log-out that occurs upon reaching a 6 hour session in Old School Runescape. Called the nerd log due to the fact that to hit it you have to be playing medieval cookie clicker for a quarter of a day, like a nerd.
Adam was so in the zone doing Slayer all day that he was caught off guard when he got nerd logged that evening.
by Diamond III Scrublady October 1, 2020
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1. Stupid, dumb, or otherwise idiotic.

2. Incredibly simple or straightforward; something anyone, no matter how incompetent, could do or use.

Originates from the twitch.tv BrokeBack emote.
Combo druid was such a fucking brokeback deck, you just used your ramp cardes and cast Force of Nature into Savage Roar, and you'd win.
by Diamond III Scrublady August 20, 2016
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getting your head cut off with an axe.
the guilty murderer was given a Viking crew cut on the executioner's block.
by Diamond III Scrublady August 5, 2017
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A cheesy, silly, unreliable, or otherwise dumb strategy, generally used for either novelty of using it or the challenge of beating people with it. In gaming, you will often see people playing like this if they are smurfing or are otherwise competing below their skill level, or in an unranked mode where winning or losing doesn't have any ramifications.
Card Game Player 1: "God, I'm so fucking pissed. I lost to the jankiest fucking strat just now."
CG Player 2: "Oh, really? What happened?"
CG Player 1: "I drew none of the answers I needed and he pulled off a stupid combo that took him three whole turns to set up"
CG Player 2: "Three turn combo? What the fuck, dude's on some shit."

CG Player 1: "Like I said, total jank strat."
by Diamond III Scrublady May 9, 2018
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