17 definitions by Critical Acclaim

A tool that allows you to steal music from your favorite artist's and is like no other in revealing who all the selfish people in the world really are.
Joe: Man I have Limewire and I get all my songs for free!

John: But dude that is stealing, don't you remember "Thou shalt not steal?

Joe: So? Everyone uses it!

John: If everyone was gay would you be gay?

Joe: Douchee
by Critical Acclaim July 11, 2008
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When, in a normal occasion, you would say something habitually. But every once in a while, something happens that's just too important for you to pay attention to whatever happened, preventing you from saying what you would say back. Most of the time though what caught your attention isn't really important
Normal Occasion...
Angel: Can you hold this for me?
Omar: I'm not your bitch

Habit Conversion
Angel: Can you hold this for me?
Omar(looking at a hot girl): Sure OK (not really paying attention to Angel)
Angel: ?!? (wondering why he didn't say "I'm not your bitch")
by Critical Acclaim May 23, 2009
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Short for peoplePC online, about the slowest, least secure, and overall suckiest ISP ever, yes, even worse than AOL. Do you remember those commercials several years back about it?
PeoplePC can at least send me free coasters every week
by Critical Acclaim January 22, 2009
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A slang term for vagina, sounds even funnier than the real word and won't get you in trouble, no matter how many times you say it!
What the vosh?
Shut the vosh up
by Critical Acclaim February 1, 2009
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First, it was "Merry Christmas." Then, all the white panzis started whining about that, so then it turned into "Happy Holidays." Then, the people who didn't like that went "I want to say Merry Christmas." So now, we say

White Panzi- You shouldn't be assuming people celebrate Christmas!! That's politically Incorrect!!

Politician- Ok we will say happy holidays

Average Person- I just wanna say Merry Christmas damn it!

AVGN- Ok, let's say happy SHUT THE FUCK UP!

The Angry Video Game Nerd came up with the beauty
by Critical Acclaim May 17, 2009
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That is the actual meaning of WASL, kept within the few.
by Critical Acclaim October 25, 2008
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