5 definitions by Casey Black

What really neat men use to neaten or remove lice from their pubic hair.
Please hand me my coxcomb. My pubes are itchy again.
by Casey Black February 24, 2010
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To grant someone sexual favors in return for doing something nice for you, but only in sincere appreciation, not out of guilt.
Thanks for taking me to the concert now let me apprecibate you!
by Casey Black February 24, 2010
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A sexy type of lingerie, like a teddy but that has no back except for a bow.
I couldn't believe it she turned around and bent over and had on an ass bow. I was rock hard.
by Casey Black February 24, 2010
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An assistant in the legal field that is usually cute, with an incredibly hot body, and usually smart and doesn't mind working with lawyers, and that lawyers don't mind having around because they are smart and have hot bodies, and because they do most of the lawyer's work.
Heather is a really talented paralegal. She helps me with my briefs and helps me finish my business, in and out of court.
by Casey Black February 24, 2010
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A list that married men keep in their head, of hot women that they want to bang on the side and pay hush money to.
Wow she is so fine, she is on my Tiger Woods List.
by Casey Black February 24, 2010
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