3 definitions by Carmelynn Cole


Monies paid even though you are no longer living with a former roommate/lover.
I broke up with that skeezer Lisa and moved out. But I'm a good guy so I'm still paying her apartimony.
by Carmelynn Cole December 2, 2006
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The conveyor belt to nowhere that one has to walk upon to keep their body in shape, or in times of neglect becomes a place for clutter collection...
Damn, I have to get off the computer now and walk on the cursed dreadmill...
by Carmelynn Cole December 30, 2006
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The emotionally bonding contract that one makes with their pet... that their relationship will last until death do we part.
I have entered into the state of petrimony with my cat Puff-Kitty.
by Carmelynn Cole December 22, 2006
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