20 definitions by California Bae Area


When a couple goes from "In a relationship" to "It's complicated". They are broken up but miss eachother enough to consider dating again if they both get their shit together.
The two lovebirds had a hard time living together as a couple so they broke up and are now in a complicationship.
by California Bae Area October 1, 2016
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Pandora's Whore

A "fragile" virgin that holds out while every other girl is putting out.
Little does anyone else anyone else know she is the kinkiest, filthiest, most loyal, unleashed cumslut to ever walk into your life ever who will probably, most likely, make you and your dick cry. Probably masturbates as much as a guy because she isn't fucking anyone and her sex drive is massive. When her first time is taken, it is like unleashing a beast.

NOTE: The weird shy girls are usually Pandora's Whores!!!
Jenny is a Pandora's Whore because she is a virgin who chooses to hold onto it but talks about sex 24/7 and probably has the potential to be explosively amazing in bed and nobody knows it yet.
by California Bae Area December 29, 2016
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Music Festival

A modern day version of events like "Woodstock".

EDM music, artwork, and other crafts are created by local artists and shared with the community while they camp out.

Infamous for their high amount of substance abuse, not everyone does drugs that go. That is a stereotype.
That girl goes to the music festival every year to see Bass Nectar and take psychedelic drugs because she wishes she was born in the 60's.
by California Bae Area September 19, 2016
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Keef Cola

A fizzy soda fused with cannabis extract. Usually drank by wannabe rasta/hippie druggie edgelord pieces of shit just to sound, and look cool.

Or just normal people who prefer being high over being drunk.
I am not drinking just any soda, I am drinking Keef Cola; I am being specific that it contains weed because I am a faggot.
by California Bae Area August 3, 2016
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The most aesthetic plant particle known to man. Loved by Tumblr hipsters.
That pinecone is deck.
by California Bae Area January 30, 2017
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My face is your throne to sit on baby.
by California Bae Area September 18, 2016
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Someone who defends cannabis and legalization with information found solely on the internet, with no reliable sources to back it up. They are the kind of people who say things like "I use weed for my ADHD medication because ADHD pills are bad for you lol."

Also generally retarded people overally.

How to Spot a Weedaboo:

•The kind of stoners that nobody fucking likes.
•Even other stoners fucking hate him.
• The kind of stoner who appropriates Jamaican culture and wishes he was black.
•The kind of stoner that has a weed blog on Twitter.
•The kind of stoner that wears a drug rug Every. Fucking. Day.
•The kind of stoner that would move to Colorado, Washington or California just to smoke.

•The kind of stoner that has no future, has his priorities mixed up, and will probably die alone.
•Listens to Nichismoke and other Snoop Dogg parodies and takes them seriously.
•Generic sense of humor, mostly weed jokes.

Not even a stoner anymore, just a blatant pothead.
This guy is a weedaboo, he barely passed High School and just talks about weed/drugs all the time and nothing else.
by California Bae Area September 20, 2016
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