2 definitions by Burmaisabitch

it is the 26 state of America, there is only one person and his name is Thomas, and for reason he keep saying that burma isn't in America, and as we all know that is wrong, so if you know a Thomas that comes from Burma, slap him in the face
Hey Thomas, did you know that Burma is in America,
Thomas: No it is not

Everybody else: Yes it is you are just dumb
by Burmaisabitch August 17, 2021
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A person who doesn't know any geography whatsoever, I easy way to explain how little he knows about geography you have to picture the classic American who think europe is a country.
My god bro, you are such a Zaathang.

Teacher "This whole class is such a Zannthang
by Burmaisabitch August 18, 2021
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