3 definitions by Brody Anderson

The under appreciated art of utilizing chop sticks in the consumption of Cheezies and other powdered snacks in order to avoid the dreaded orange fingers. Given the length of chop sticks, this also avoids cheezy knuckles from trying to get snacks from the bottom of the bag.
Dude! Looks like I'll be Chip Stickin'! I need these cheezies, but my girl hates when I have those orange fingers.. for obvious reasons.
by Brody Anderson February 15, 2020
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A woman who attends spin class in full makeup, with her hair and nails done, wearing top of the line gear but failing to put any effort into the class for fear of damaging her appearance. A Spincess will often take phone calls, or loudly talk to people around her about her "fascinating" life, distracting and angering other attendees. She will also have a membership, and attend 7 days a week to engage in this behavior.
That Spincess is here again, 20 bucks says her hair doesn't even move during class.
by Brody Anderson February 15, 2020
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Placing an foreign item or object in your rectum in an attempt to smuggle it into a location.
Gerald was caught hooping cigarettes into the Penn again.
by Brody Anderson December 9, 2018
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