11 definitions by Brick Wall

One of Hank Hill's friends on the animated show, King of the Hill. He has an unusual way of talking that some think is gibberish.
Boomhauer often begins a sentence with:
"Tell you what, man, dang ol'..."
by Brick Wall December 29, 2005
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Formerly believed to be an idea in which animals should be equal to people, it is now widely recognized to be a belief where animals should receive higher consideration than humans.

Animal Rights means that humans are forbidden to hunt and/or eat animals, and are forbidden to use animals for ANY reason....
while animals are allowed to hunt and kill, as well as exploit other animals (ants exploiting aphids for their honeydew, for example).

Under this rule, animals are also allowed to kill a human for ANY reason (including, but not limited to: predator instinct, invasion of property, protection of young, etc.) while no human is allowed to kill an animal for any reason, not even to rescue his children from a bear attack.

When it comes to Animal Rights, George Orwell said it best in Animal Farm:
"All animals are equal but some are more equal than others."
The animal rights girl was against animal testing, so she killed a scientist. Meanwhile, she also let a serial killer run free, because he only killed humans...none of his targets were animals. Plus, he was a vegan!
by Brick Wall March 23, 2005
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An unlicensed game with 52 games in one cart, created by Active Enterprises at the price of $200 (a "bargain" at less than $4 a game, they boasted) for the NES and later, the Sega Genesis.

Action 52 is the worst game ever made. Poorly programmed, all 52 games are loaded with bugs and glitches, and as a result, are impossible to beat. The graphics, sound effects and music are very poor. The game was met with heavy criticism and the company folded, but not before releasing Cheetahmen 2, which was a sequel to the 52nd game on the cart. This game is now coveted by collectors of NES games.
Paying $200 for 52 games that do not work is hardly a bargain. Action 52 is terrible!
by Brick Wall December 28, 2005
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stands for:

Food for

A white block made from soy beans. A substitute for meat. Tastes like a mix between cardboard and styrofoam.
It's easier and cheaper to eat meat than it is to eat and buy tofu!
Eating meat unethical? Give me a break, what about the poor cute little soybeans killed to make the Tofu?!
by Brick Wall December 26, 2005
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