4 definitions by Black Shy Guy

The green ass-kicker of Vegeta.
Hulk kicked Vegeta in the ball Z so hard they flew out of his eyes.
by Black Shy Guy August 9, 2003
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Main botch from DBZ. Likes to bend forward and smile as she pees herself and her ass grows bigger and bigger.
Your ass will pop one day and I will laugh VERY hard!
by Black Shy Guy August 9, 2003
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The greatest DBZ villain. He enjoys smokin' weed with me and some Gremlins.
Oh my God! Kid Buu just killed Johnny Knoxville! O_O
by Black Shy Guy August 9, 2003
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Cell's ass is kicked by a THUNDAH bolt from Pepper. WHAT?
by Black Shy Guy August 9, 2003
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