3 definitions by Benny Dee Williams


Verb: To elucidate while dressed in stylish attire
Silky Johnson called the slave owner a honky which confused the slaves. He felt he must clarifly by saying, "Honky is a racial epithet used for white people. It was made popular by George Jefferson in the 1970's. You see he and his wife Weezy had a dry cleaning business so they moved on up to the east side, to a deluxe apartment in the sky. They finally got a piece of the pie. Convoluted story I'll admit. But the point is this, that in the future, all black people will be free!".
by Benny Dee Williams April 11, 2011
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Whiskey Straight

When a homosexual becomes excessively intoxicated to a point that humans of the opposite gender appear attractive.
“Great, my gay cousin had one too many straight whiskeys and now he’s hitting on my girlfriend. I hate it when he gets ‘whiskey straight’!”
by Benny Dee Williams July 2, 2018
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a person who is half Filipino and half Cuban
The Filipuban grew up confused not knowing if he was Asian or Latino, until one day he realized he could embrace both cultures.
by Benny Dee Williams April 1, 2010
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