4 definitions by Bangtan Soyeondan

JK means being the most awesome person alive that you can do everything
JK is short for Jungkook
Jungkook is one of the funniest and adorable even when he gets drunk
JK: "Do you know that night apple is poison apple?
ARMY: ???
JK: But I'm okay cause I am...JK
by Bangtan Soyeondan December 6, 2020
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7g is seven mates that you use to your close seven friends
We connect to 7g
Ayo we connect to 7g
by Bangtan Soyeondan December 5, 2020
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7g is a slang in English for seven mates
We connect to 7g
by Bangtan Soyeondan December 5, 2020
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7-g is a saying for seven mates or friends
Hey yo you guys only got 4 but we got 7-g
We connect to 7-g
by Bangtan Soyeondan December 5, 2020
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