1108 definitions by Anonymous

what G.W. could not find and has many of at his ranch in texas. that cheap prick.
by Anonymous October 31, 2003
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Acting dumb to impress others; usually friends. Clowning
" Yo, Why you showin' up? "
by Anonymous March 28, 2005
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Acting dumb to impress others, usually friends.
ayo, why you showin' up ?
by Anonymous March 28, 2005
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"The bigger the penis, the bigger the jewels."
by Anonymous November 4, 2003
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One type of Mike character, ofthen referred to as "kooky" or "batty"
Kook is such a crazy KOOKBAT!!
by Anonymous October 18, 2003
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The coolest person on the face of the earth. In fact, a sexy beast.
Man, what an RDD that person is.
by Anonymous July 5, 2003
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