3 definitions by Amirouche Roos


Narsistically self consentration .

Xyep , -ing, -ed
I xyeped in the darkness and bleeded tears for my own sake.
by Amirouche Roos August 19, 2006
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to think hard over something that bother's one's mind.
by Amirouche Roos May 19, 2007
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h tub

The writings of the xeno in the the BBC´s poetry corner .

Trying to see into the future as Nostradamus.
" h dub was translated from " the tower in which 95,5 % are white , but do beleave that their are black" to mean " homework ". to try to understand this , h tub came up while trying to but in different forms of the original word h dub.
by Amirouche Roos August 11, 2006
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