2 definitions by AJ Hillhouse


E-Knight: A term generally used to describe a forum poster who defends other posters for any number of reasons. The term eknight refers to Electronic-Knight.
They rise to the defense of the person being insulted, much like a Knight would rise to the defense of a weaker man/woman in the olden days. the most common occurance is when a guy is sticking up for a girl, possibly in hopes of starting a relationship or at least trading pics via email (see example below).
"Stop calling her a whore, you don't know the circumstances!"

"Dude, quit being her eknight, we all know she is a whorebag".
by AJ Hillhouse April 12, 2007
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E-Knight: A term generally used to describe a forum poster who defends other posters for any number of reasons. The term E-knight refers to Electronic-Knight.

They rise to the defense of the person being insulted, much like a Knight would rise to the defense of a weaker man/woman in the olden days. The most common occurance is when a guy is sticking up for a girl, possibly in hopes of starting a relationship or at least trading pics via email (see example below).

Forum poster #1: Stop calling her a whore you guys!!!

Forum poster #2: Dude, quit being her eknight, we all know she is a whorebag.
by AJ Hillhouse April 30, 2007
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