4 definitions by A Good Man

Sofie is sad
Sofie is sad
by A Good Man December 3, 2019
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A woman that can cook and clean that also enjoys sports and will drink a beer with you while watching the game. For further definition look up Stephanie Hunt.
by A Good Man November 22, 2006
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Patch is a person whose real name is Patrick. He is funny- sometimes- most of the time- how funny he is is debatable. I think he is funny-ish.
Patch is a nickname.
by A Good Man December 3, 2019
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If I could say one thing about Rileys, It would be you're lucky if you know one. Riley's are perfect simply because they're everything (good things ) at once. Rileys are funny, smart, kind, and most importantly understanding. They will always listen to you no matter how crazy you sound; they seek to understand and care. They care about and love the people they know and would go to far ends to help them. Rileys' jokes tend to be weird at first but over time the jokes will grow on you and you'll soon grow to love the weird quirky jokes. Rileys are super smart and great with language ( a Riley could write this definition better then I could). If I could say one last thing about Riley's it would be, treat them right because they deserve it.

Also, P.S. Riley's have really big beautiful blue eyes (at least the Riley I know).
by A Good Man December 5, 2019
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