10 definitions by 2nd Seal

Girl I Like From Far Away. This is the girl that you think is hot until you are close enough to see what she really looks like. Also A girl that looks good from behind but looks like a baboon from the front.
I saw this hot chick the other day so I walked up to her but the bitch was a GILFFA and I almost tossed my fuckin cookies.
by 2nd Seal February 19, 2003
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similar to the shocker with the addition of the thumb and tongue. 2 in the pit, 1 in the shit, thumb on the clit, and tongue on the tit.
I think I am going to give little betty the super shocker tonight. Giggity giggity.
by 2nd Seal September 10, 2003
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A felching session is the act of either ejaculating into your partners rectum, then using a straw to suck it out, or, sticking a gerbil in your partners ass.
I took part in a felching session, now my farts are all bubbly.
by 2nd Seal November 24, 2003
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Choppin' the wood is a term for masturbation in which the masturbator get blisters on his hand from doing it too hard.
I was choppin' the wood last night and I got a giant blister in the middle of my hand.
by 2nd Seal September 10, 2003
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A phrase coined by dumbass rednecks all over the south and made famous by Denis Leary.
Dang man! A ding dang do! I can't think of a damn intelligent thing to say on account of bein' a dumb redneck.
by 2nd Seal February 19, 2003
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English-the place of the skull. The location of the crucifixtion of Christ. Named because of its resemblence to a human skull.
Christ was crucified at Golgotha.
by 2nd Seal December 9, 2003
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A Suick3 is a person who tries to slit his wrist with a coke can.
by 2nd Seal February 19, 2003
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