1 definition by ☼ winnie ☼

Thumper is a drinking game. How to play - everyone playing the game must drum their hands on the table/thighs/whatever you got and the first person to start yells out the phrase, "What's the name of the game?" and then everyone else yells back, "Thumper!" then the first person yells out, "And why do we play?" which is returned with, "To get fucked up!" then when all the drumming has commenced the first player does two dance moves then looks to a random player and then they copy the first players second move and then add a move of their own and then look to a different player and they copy the second players move and so on and so forth. If a person messes up a move then, that's when the drinking comes in. He/She has to chug a cup of beer.
"Holy crap, what happened to you last night?"

"Someone suggested Thumper. I was already too fucked up to argue."
by ☼ winnie ☼ October 29, 2013
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