2 definitions by "That NY Guido"


Bid is short for biddie which means a really hot girl
yoooo check out this bid lookin ova...
by "That NY Guido" April 16, 2005
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First of all the only way that you can be considered a Guido is to be Italian and only Italian. People throw it around as a derogatory term but it is not always like that. Yes they have a blowout with alot of gel in their hair and yes they wear chains and shirts that actually fit a person instead of the ones that are so big that they look like they are wearing a dress...yes most of them are from New York or the Tri-state area and they do have a New York accent...Most of them do drive nice cars with the bangin system, which everyone else who is NOT a Guido sweats...so before anyone goes and tries to talk shit about bein a Guido, it's probably because they subconsciouslly wish that they had everything that the typical Guido has.
I am a Gudio...I am from New York...My hair is gelled up...I drive that nice car with that bangin system...My clothes primarily consist of Armani Exchange, where each one consists of about $35 per shirt where your clothes are probably from wal-mart...so before you go and talk trash, jus realize that your probably wanting to be jus like us...the ones who have what they want...
by "That NY Guido" April 9, 2005
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