Signing into an online meeting in order to appear in attendance and engaged, when in fact you are doing other things.
Rick had perfect pretendance at the weekly sales meetings this month.
by jester66 March 5, 2013
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A synonym for treehouse; derived from "jungle" and "bungalow".
Do you live in an apartment. No, I live in a jungalow.
by Matt Frame April 6, 2008
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to drool in your sleep; to generate exceptionally long drops of spit connecting the corner of your mouth with the puddle around your pillow
Look, he's slerping again!
by slerper November 8, 2010
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The opposite of Ego Death. An Ego Birth is when a person, usually a (cis caucasian male) takes psychedelics, then proceeds to become more of an insufferable person than they were before. They often brag about discovering basic human empathy and understanding in their late twenties.
That guy definitely had a ego birth, he took acid once now constantly gloats about gaining basic human emotions.
by Kelseylou888 January 12, 2022
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In Utah, a partition that separates the patrons of a bar from the bartender and prevents drinks from being passed directly from the place where they are mixed to the customer.
The name comes from "Zion," a reference to the LDS (Mormon ) Church whose prohibitions against drinking alcohol heavily influenced Utah's liquor laws.
Because the bar that she tended at had a Zion Curtain, Sarah had to walk around to the other side to hand every customer their drink. It was a pain in the ass, but at least it was good exercise.
by Pete Theroux August 17, 2011
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A feeling of superiority to another person because one reads books, especially physical copies.
The librarian was bibliosuperior to her brother who watches wrestling.
by Will Barrow October 11, 2023
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