A bond between two people; One person works to create/maintain love and fufillment while the other person waits for something better to come along.
An example of a typical relationship would be your ex(s) and you.
by 30' something March 17, 2007
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a simple inconviencence that means whoever you are dating tries to dictate what you do, where you go, and-basically-dicatates your freedom.
Mark: Did George get shipped off to Iraq? I haven't seen him forever!
Matthew: Nope, he is in a relationship.
by donkeylips6 February 12, 2010
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the thing that guys can fake as well as girls can fake orgasms.
girl 1: guess what? i'm in a relationship!
girl 2: in the face. good luck, idiot.
by girl369x February 3, 2008
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On the fifth 'date' (see High Fidelity, Hornby et al 1995) a 'relationship' state (q.v.) is mandated to come into effect by 'law' (see Feminism). Exceptions may occur: where a 'third base' (see American Pie, Biggs et al 1999) state arises prior; where 'sex' (see Genesis) arises prior; where otherwise precluded by marriage of either party to third party (see adultery).
"My approach to relationships has always been something of a 'touch and go' affair: I touch; they go."
by Profesh December 13, 2007
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When two people decide to fall in love, usually resulting in lots of stuff for the woman, loss of bank account for the man. It could also end up in marriage.
Woman: We should start a relationship.
Guy: I'm broke. Wait till I get paid.
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There are different kinds of relationships.

A) A bond between two people that is often hard to break.
B) When two people come together for sexual purposes.
C) When two people fall in Love and start off together.
D) The revenge of one person to another.

1) Alicia and I have a tight relationship.
2) Jaz and AJ are say they are in a relationship but every one knows it’s just for the sex.
3) I am just crazy about this new relationship! I know it’s going to go places!(marriage)
4) Lori is in a relationship with Tom just to make Greg jealous.
by DoCheryl February 5, 2008
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A clever bending of the words "wild sex"
lets have a relationship on that table
by tom December 16, 2003
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