A sweet, kind lovable girl who loves to be with her friends and family. She is a great friend to everybody that she meets. She has a lot of great friends. She is beautiful, kind, loving, caring, and gorgeous.
Laine is a wonderful friend.
by 123456anonymus February 18, 2015
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Laine is a person who will be there for you no matter what you go through. she will always put her friends before herself. she is kind, caring and very pretty. even though she is a bit sarcastic and a little stubborn, she will always put a smile on your face and can make your day 100 times better. she will spoil you and make sure you are the happiest you could ever be. you would be a very lucky person to have her as a best friend.
person 1: Laine is the most awesome friend I could ever have!
person 2: I hope to find a friend as amazing as she.
by njnjnjn July 29, 2019
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1. Some female hacker.
2. Shorter term for "Serial Experiments Lain," the #1 best anime in existance.
This show isn't making complete sense to me. Oh well.
by dj gs68 July 19, 2003
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n. (truncation of chamberlain)
1. One so proficient with computers and the internet as to be the gatekeeper of the Wired existance.
2. An unstoppable, undeniable, seemingly omnipotent hacker.

(mostly female)
"Only lain can smoke port 6666 on our router that fast."
by Walkure April 15, 2003
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If you have this name you are stone cold sexy, super smart, generous, sweet, and classy. Brunette with style and grace. Loyal and a friend for life. Men want you and women want to be you. You ruin any man for any other woman if he is lucky enough to get 5 seconds in your presence. A booty that makes you want to cry. But be wise. Cross her and you'll wish you were never born. You treat her right and she'll make you the happiest on earth.
You're so lucky, you got a Laine.
by One2Watch October 30, 2011
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The omniprescence in Wired.
by JiaXue November 1, 2003
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is a classy lady that is confident but not arrogant with a vibrant personality
motivated, amibitious, charming, witty, loving, loyal, cool, laidback, beautiful inside and out, deep thinker, caring, chill, intoxicating, seductive
Laine wants to make a difference in the world.

You see that girl Laine she's bad...she might be out of my league.

Laine is soo chill.. she's a really cool lady.
by thetalented1 February 6, 2010
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