A FANNY. Usually a used as a funny way to insult someone by calling them a fanny. Interchangeable with Fandan
That guy is a complete fandango!
by Bex n Rachel May 19, 2007
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The act of humming or singing the entrance theme song of WWE superstar Fandango
Fandangoing started the night after Wrestlemania in the Izod Center
by UrbanWWE April 13, 2013
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To do the dance of the WWE Wrestler Fandango while singing along to the song ChaCha LaLa; primarily done for the pleasure of comedy
We should start Fandangoing now that Fandango is making his entrance to the ring.
by WrestlingDiva May 6, 2015
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Something that has been really destroyed, or when the situation is hopeless.
I drove over a hedgehog and now my tyre is fandangoed/Jack is gonna fandango Steven/I didn't do my maths homework. I'm fandangoed.
by JakeTheTankmaster January 20, 2020
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having sexual intercourse with any partner (single or multiple) while dancing around or noshing at a concert.
dude, that concert was hella tight! Me and 2 chicks did the fandango during the encore!
by Jamilana May 24, 2008
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Trying hard to be cool, in an ostentatioius or overly obvious way, usually with style of dress but also can include mannerisms or behavior.
Man, look at the fandango outfit that he's wearing -- it's pathetic. Did he have to go for the sequins, too?
by Golf maven May 8, 2005
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