Short for a United States one hundred-dollar bill. This "slang" term (as it is not widely accepted enough to be considered a colloquial expression) is more prevalent among wealthy citizens, socialites and more recently those within the hip-hop cultural movement. Its use in a social context is meant to openly diminish the value of a one hundred-dollar bill to its possessor, so as to say the possessor's financial worth is so great that the highest paper currency denomination to them is equivalent to the actual lowest; i.e. a $100 bill to most is a $1 bill to the possessor, and as a result is considered a "one".
"To invariably experience an erotic dancer's best striptease, spectators should expect to throw some ones."
by jasonphilip September 15, 2011
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The IQ score of the 45th U.S president.
Donald Trump has an IQ score of one.
by Rotten Turkey August 23, 2021
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A classical number, Used to describe how many, For example, We could say "One cup" Or, 'One chair' Like that, OR! it could be a name of a song like "One KISS is all it takes"
by Nevadas October 2, 2022
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This heart is filled…
With love for you!!!
All the things I wish…
I could say and do…

How about I say a few…
The sunset nights…
It is not what I want to do…

It is just being with YOU!!
That I want to do!!!!
Obvious I can be…
A smile and a wave for you to see…
Being in close proximity…

Seeing your eyes…
And that smile…
They both make me melt…
All the touches to be felt…

Surprises I can do…
To show you always…
My love for you!!!
This is what I look forward to:)
I guess I am not done…
I can’t forget about those arms…
Oh… the dreams I have had …
Some were quite fun…

And with that…
One last thing…
I love YOU!!!
Always … my everything ❤️❤️❤️
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I love us!!!
I love the way we can talk… even with numbers!!!! It fills my heart ❤️ ❤️❤️YOU fill my heart!!!

I am missing you terribly again.. always actually, just sometimes I need to tell you things… I don’t think we are entering an oh shit moment… one ear plugged might help having no oh shit moments … maybe once the infection is cleared, we plug one of my ears lol… you are considering it lol.. don’t worry I am too:)
I love you!!! When I saw you today, I wanted to run to you and hug you… tell you I love you!!! Just know, even though I just watched you enjoying the beautiful day with your arm out the window…. I was saying I love you!!!

Anytime I see you… and even when I don’t, I am ALWAYS wanting in your arms and to say I lOVE YOU!!!

Until I can… I wait for that one day❤️❤️❤️

That one day that will begin my everything being complete!!!!

That one day…. I will be in your arms saying I love you… always ❤️
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A number you can't count to.
Greg: Bob, can you count numbers?
Bob: Yeah, um, no.
Greg: One, One you fucking idiot.
by SoliquidForLife December 30, 2017
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