A word or French origin that is defined as "a woman engaged to be married." When couples cohabit with no plan to marry the term they often use when referring to their significant other is "partner".
The definition for Fiancée as used by the majority of English speakers is for someone who plans to marry their partner or boyfriend/girlfriend, the group of speakers who use this as a "White Trash" term for people who cohabit long term are in the minority.
by OhComeOnNow September 22, 2017
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Ur best friend whos always looking like a snack cause hes so fine. Hes always really sweet and apologies even if he doesnt have to. He listens to all your problems. You love him to death and wonder why he puts up with your shit. Hes somehow still ur friend even thought your a pushy, self centered, jealous hoe.
Oof man i need to get me a fiancé. I wanted to order one off of amazon but im to broke for that shit and the shipping charge from here to Arizona is to damn much.
by DraciorSmthn April 24, 2019
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girls who have large gums and usually long teeth (not required) always have a fiancé
“should i ask out that girl over there?”
nah she got fiancé gums, i wouldn’t risk it.”
by alligators17 April 2, 2023
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The power ones fiancé receives that enables them to veto their partners decisions
Guy one: "hey man are you going to the bar tonight?"
Guy two: "nah man I can't. Stacy fiancé vetoed me"
by Mongoose020566 January 21, 2015
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A term invented in late 2020 that refers to a “boyfriend”, whom you know will propose at some point (hopefully sooner than later). People who use the term #FF are not desperate, rather just on the same page as their significant other.
Person 1- Alyssa is so desperate, she refers to her man as future fiancé!

Person 2- Actually, you just sound jealous! Her FF has already made it clear he wants to get married... therefore “future fiancé” is totally justified in her case!
by Know it all 1 September 10, 2020
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Susan Elizabeth Shaw as Strauss's Fiancée in Oppenheimer; from soap opera star to nuclear age romance. Love knows no bounds.
Example of how it's used in a sentence:

Person 1: who's that playing Strauss's fiancée in Oppenheimer?

Person 2: Susan Elizabeth Shaw as Strauss's Fiancée, the queen of soap operas. She's in love with history now!
by courtofowls September 4, 2023
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