89 definitions by mAndy

a hot piece of lovin'. see sexy.
I wish Stone were all mine.
by mAndy March 10, 2005
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(A)Someone who has a balance between an indie and an emo.
(B)A Homogenous blend of: A tree loving, beaded bracelet acoustic rocker and chuck taylor hightops, hooded black sweetshirt, dyed side bangs emotional high-pitched singer
(C) a really awesome band
Bohemians also known as "BoHo's"
by mAndy January 30, 2005
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when you are titty fucking or getting a blow job and you cum, obviously not in the chicks mouth but on her chest and neck. it drips down the side and creates something looking like a pearl necklace made of cum.
"i hope he enjoyed it...i had to clean up that damn pearl necklace"
by mAndy April 1, 2005
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gamal ahul shluki in hebrew means "my house"
a: where are u!?

b: at my gamal ahu shluki!
by mAndy April 1, 2005
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i need to f***in draw right bout now
by mAndy November 17, 2003
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BettyPink/ BettyBlowTorch/ ILovePinkStars.
by mAndy February 25, 2005
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-Jesus Christ Already.
-a word said in fustration after a sentence or before. Usually after someone annoys the living crap out of you
-usually used a la internet chatting (SAIM, yahoo, msn)
annoying loser: did you *loser show no one cares about* last night?
me: no
annoying loser: well did you?
annoying loser: are you sure you didn't, cause-
me:(cuts annoying loser off*: no i haven't, jca!...you stupid fuck.
by mAndy April 6, 2005
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