29 definitions by gtbarry

Someone who is obsessed with always being connected and up-to-date. Obsessive checking of email and blackberry usage and searching for wi-fi signals are good indicators.
My friend Dan is an Info Nympho. He always has his bluetooth in his ear and is constantly on his blackberry.
by gtbarry October 4, 2008
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An energy vampire (or more commonly known as an "energy vamp") is a person that feeds off the life force or energy (or ch'i) of other living creatures - mostly other people. Can also be known as pranic vampire, empathic vampire, energy predator, psy-vamp, energy parasite, emotional vampire or one of my ex-girlfriends.

Basically, anyone who sucks the energy out of a room or removes (feeds from) the energy of others.

see also:
- Succubus or Incubus of Judeo-Christian mythology.
Dan is back to his old self now that he has broken it off with that energy vamp, Michelle, he dating that sucked his life force from him and drained the fun out of every room she entered.
by gtbarry March 23, 2009
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When you are boyfriend and girlfriend when you are in the same city, but when you are apart you are just good friends who plan on seeing each other again - eventually.
Dan and Michelle may live in different countries, but they travel to meet up every few months cause they are rockstar friends.
by gtbarry August 25, 2008
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Noun. Male breasts on a heay set male. Usually as a result of being overweight. Origin: based on professional golfer Phil Mickelson's ample bosom.
Check out that dude's rack. He's got a total Mickelson!
by gtbarry July 7, 2006
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Noun. To choke. To lose when you could have won. To not deliver when the pressure is on. Based on golfer Phil Mickelson's innate ability to choke when the pressure is on.
Did you see Shaq pull a Mickelson and totally miss those free throws at the end of the game?
by gtbarry June 20, 2006
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Despite Dan's repeated request to Rosie to meet with her friend Lisa, he never met up with Lisa because Rosie booby trapped his attempts because she had a crush on him.
by gtbarry July 21, 2008
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means complete, whole or entirely. Short form of the word "totally. Handy when messaging or texting to save keystrokes.
Dude: "Dude, check out the body on that chick!"

Other Dude: "Totals hot!"
by gtbarry September 21, 2008
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