18 definitions by Ramsy Norris

What certain kids are put in if they possess some sort of learning disability or disorder like ADHD. Oftentimes other students will think you are a dumbfuck or treat you like subhuman filth if they find out your in one or two of these classes.
Contrary to popular belief special ed classes are taught with the normal curriculum but are instead presented in a way that makes those in it learn better and easier. For the severely autistic or retarded kids, they are pretty much fucked.
by Ramsy Norris October 20, 2020
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The thing that 90% of the motherfuckers in there don't pass. The physical part is only the half of it, you gotta have the willpower and mental strength as well.
Drill Sergeant Paul "If you pansy asses think you can't get through basic training you can always crawl back in your mom's anus!"
by Ramsy Norris August 7, 2021
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Guys that are unable to get girls as a result of their creepiness, lack of personality, entitlement, and poor social skills.
by Ramsy Norris February 19, 2022
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One of the best freedom dispensers mankind has to offer. Fires 5.56 mm freedom rounds.
The best time I had in the service was firing the M249 and getting a mangasm as a result.
by Ramsy Norris August 20, 2021
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Named after Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket, this type of recruit makes you wonder "how the fuck did this kid get recruited?" Usually, these types of folk join the service due to years of bullying and abuse for their weight or other issues. Most likely they may be partially or completely unable to perform basic tasks such as putting their own uniform on or improper use of firearms, making them a liability to their squad.
Private Cash "Did you see that Gomer Pyle trying to catch butterflies at the shooting range last night?"

Private Doug "If you think that's bad he almost shot the Sarge cause he didn't know how to put the safety on."

Private Cash "God damn, they should just do him a favor and ship his ass back home."
by Ramsy Norris August 20, 2021
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Big ass nerf guns that shoot massive foam ammunition. Recent years have introduced a MEGA XL line that shoots even HUGER foam.
Nerf mega guns may not be good for a practical nerf war but they can even make a grown man feel badass.
by Ramsy Norris April 19, 2022
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Girls who sexually prefer other girls. Can also be said to guys that the girl doesn't like so as to ease the pain. And unless your lucky they won't let you watch them make out or let your horny ass join
My sister's been having lesbian sex for 2 hours.
by Ramsy Norris April 28, 2021
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