1026 definitions by QuacksO

Da best condition in da vision department.
Getting plenty of sleep and eating Vitamin-A-rich foods are eyedeal ways for maintaining da health of yer baby-blues.
by QuacksO March 27, 2021
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"Exploding" cereal that doesn't "do its thing".
I found a still-sealed bag of Jiffy-Pop among some old stuff that my neighbor gave me from clearing out her attic, but it was so old and dried out that it turned out to be just "plopcorn"... I ground it up and used it for birdseed.
by QuacksO August 10, 2018
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A "copycat" crook who is employed by a suspect in a recent crime to discreetly (i.e., without being recognized or caught) commit one or more similar crimes in the area while the suspect is in custody, thereby "proving" that the suspect isn't the one guilty of the "original" crime, since more crimes of the same type are being committed while he himself is out of circulation and thus could not possibly have committed them.
Being a hired vindicator might have its advantages, but it can also backfire, in that crimes committed by others can be falsely pinned on you. For example, Person A commits a burglary, and then sometime later is arrested and detained as a possible suspect, despite his professing his innocence. Person A's cronies then hastily scatter around and hire Person B to commit a string of additional burglaries in Person A's local area in an effort to draw suspicion off of Person A. But then one or more other local crooks commit subsequent burglaries in the same general vicinity, and so if Person B is eventually apprehended, he will likely be suspected of **all** of the burglaries, including the ones committed by these "new" criminals.
by QuacksO June 6, 2018
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Da finances-base study of working wif small particles or dots.
What wif more-modern ways of printing dat are better and cheaper, dot-matrix machines seldom make good speckonomics sense anymore.
by QuacksO February 22, 2023
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What Tow Mater's non-passenger-vehicle buddies feel like they've experienced after a complete overhaul.
I never could figger out why Tow Mater never seemed to want to have his missing hood or headlight replaced; maybe he was actually proud of his "worn 'n' weathered from decades of hard work" appearance, and so even a basic restoration like that would have seemed like too much of a reintrucknation to him.
by QuacksO September 24, 2022
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An unusual feature of Bavaria's most famous vehicle-brand.
Anytime Doug DeMuro reviews a compact VW-type car, he always finds one audity after another to show us in his "quirks and features" segment.
by QuacksO March 6, 2022
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Derogatory term for someone whom da speaker feels is too much of a pathetic wimpy no-account to give "viable or reliable" testimony in court.
Da term "twitness" can also refer to a clueless lout who just habitually appears in court to testify at every hearing, even though he did not actually possess actual knowledge of any of said cases --- for example, in da Uncle Remus tale, "Brer Rabbit and the Calico", Brer Fox felt like a total "twitness" when --- as a result of Brer Rabbit's "trickin' him again" by showing him a sheet of paper and claiming dat it was a "sub-peena", knowing dat Brer Fox was illiterate and so he could not actually examine said page to determine whether or not it was actually an official order from da court --- he pantingly scurried over to da Fort Miller court house and was contemptuously told by da court clerk dat he was in fact NOT scheduled to testify at any hearings dat day! As he found out later, da whole thing had merely been a ruse to get Brer Fox away from his house for a while, so dat Brer Rabbit could stop by there himself and tell Brer Fox's "ol' lady" dat Brer Fox had sent her a written message (and confidently presenting her wif da very same sheet of paper as "proof" of what he was claiming, knowing dat Mrs. Fox couldn't read, either) asking her to give Brer Rabbit da sack of fresh meat dat he'd recently brought her to stash in da cool cellar for later consumption.
by QuacksO March 8, 2023
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