44 definitions by Not so super DJ Gennady

1.Complex set of laws about disasters, but leads down to "Anything that can go wrong will."
2. Not fucking Mrs. Murphy
1. My computer died and took my term paper with it!

2. Man, you gotta hide me, Gennady, I just boned Mrs. Murphy and Mr. Murphy has the gun!
by Not so super DJ Gennady September 12, 2003
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A condition which strikes mostly males. The symptoms of this condition include a longing for companionship and sexual pleasure from Asian women. Sufferers of this condition will show agressive tendencies that will cause them to act goofy around any girl with almond-shaped eyes, black hair, and exhibiting any kind of other supposed stereotype about Asian women. Because of cultural differences, however, most sufferers of Asian Fever are never cured.
After leaving the motherland, I had my own bout with Asian Fever when I returned to the states, but I got over it.
by Not so super DJ Gennady February 18, 2003
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Capital of the Catalian region of Spain. The city contains the Sangrada Familia cathedral, a big Picasso museum, and is the home of Real Madrid nemisis, FC Barca.
Montjuic, Nou Camp, and the Columbus statue are other highlights of Barcelona.
by Not so super DJ Gennady August 18, 2003
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Trippy horror movie that teaches kids not to watch strange videos with small children, kill kids, or make possessed, evil bitches sleep with horses. The special effects also rock... the movie was based off of a popular Japanese movie that was even better. For a taste of the true gore in the movie, rent ti. see also hella died.
Do not fear for you will soon see the ring.
by Not so super DJ Gennady March 13, 2003
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1. Being able to see the follds of a vulva inside a tight pair of pants on a woman.
2. An EXTREAMELY loose pussy.
Either we didnt have enough stools at the bar, or Suzy has the biggest camel toe ive ever seen!
by Not so super DJ Gennady January 31, 2003
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1. A technical term that basically says that women want men who are sensetive to theri needs and will respect them for who they are.
2.Asshole guys that just care about getting into their pants and dump them like use tampons after getting what they want.
Ivan: Dude, I hate that shithead!
Gennady:But he's everything women want...
Ivan: I know!
by Not so super DJ Gennady January 9, 2003
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1. An early 1990's or fairly late model Japanese (or sometimes European) POS car with more money sunk into it on paint,parts, and bells and whistles than most high class cars that will not fall apart on you. It boggles the mind why some people could buy a new BMW with the amount of money they sink into a car that you can barely find parts for. Freud would say that the decked out cars cover up for other inadequacies in the lives of the racers such as a terrible home life, small genitalia, or both. But with that aside, real rice racers look cool and at least give people somethign constructive to do in the form of bragging and racing.
My friend used to have a rice racer until his POS frame went kaput and exploded on him...
by Not so super DJ Gennady March 11, 2003
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