287 definitions by Michael

Ususally growled by tigers or hot women, it is an expression of disbelief or confusion.
Tiger 1: Damn Brittany, is that a blimp or your ass?

Tiger 2: Abuhh ... maybe.
by Michael October 21, 2003
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A person of Native american decendency who renounces all negative connotations attached to the the misnomer American "Indian".
The skinjinz are now reassessing their current circumstance.
by Michael March 14, 2003
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n. One with an irrational fear or hatred of Christians. Sometimes practised by people who think they know everything.

We fear what we do not agree with or understand.
Society says it's wrong to be a homophobe but it's okay to be a Christophobe.
by Michael January 5, 2004
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a fictional brand of marshmallow advertised by a cartoon character, named Homestar Runner
"After i drink a tall glass of melonade, I eat about 147 Fluffy Puff Marshmallows."
by Michael January 2, 2004
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A Mexican supermarket, found in some states of the U.S., near Mexico.
I love to shop at Vallarta.
by Michael March 23, 2005
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an appropriate name for a woodland creature, especially a ferret.
That ferret named fozzie is the cooolest
by Michael July 1, 2004
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