1050 definitions by Krkič






by Krkič August 31, 2019
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when the airwaves situation allows for an amazingly flawless wifi connection
I been gaining weight since we linkin. whats up with that. must be that ethernet royale we installed recently.
by Krkič April 14, 2019
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many cultures practise bonding over drinking, similar to the peace pipe of plains indians of north america. the point is not to get blotto. delirious. comatose. rather to find a level of energised, spirited (see also spirits!) togetherness in the moment. fully aware that it will never be back the same way!
(also compare with alcoholism which is an illness)
I was minding my business when i realised i was raising my glass to you. do you ever get the feeling that today will be gone tomorrow, how time flies, and how we should appreciate what we have? Coz i do)
by Krkič October 9, 2020
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thinking of you and sending you home made positivity ( which sometimes won't taste as good as fast positive, i know, but hey, you know)
by Krkič January 17, 2020
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a little make-up just enough to not look made up. red lips though
ear rings, the onyx ones
clothes. simple, casual. blue jeans, black tunic
hair. washed, a little wax.
now you can come
theres coffee
we can talk, chill
thinking of you today
while i entertain others
hoping you don't feel weird, out of place and

you are with people who care about you

your present was not for sale so, sorry for my empty hands
by Krkič December 24, 2019
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Good moaning!
Scrambled legs and a cup of me?
some good sleepy head or buttered head?
Cum, lets hide under the blanket for a bit until the wolves are gone.
his nutella all over my pilla
by Krkič November 17, 2020
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Person1: "you ugly slut, go suck a dick"
Person2: " sure, we can date."
Person1: "thats rude and arrogant"
Person2: "i don't #"
by Krkič November 11, 2019
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