1025 definitions by Hym Iam

You're not good enough to fuck me but you can do things for me and validate me... And if you don't accept inferiority you're dehumanizing me. This isn't emotional blackmail.

Hym "You're not more emotionally intelligent than anyone and the fact that you and society have been able to successfully emotionally blackmail men into being friends with you isn't evidence of anything. Why? Because they don't have a choice! If they AREN'T willing to be to be your friend they are ACTIVELY DEHUMANIZING YOU! And you can't dehumanize women so... There. They have to settle for the shit-relationship (and they would upgrade to the good relationship if they could) or else they are dehumanizing women. ADDITIONALLY! If your guy friends are inbetween relationships or are hooking up, it isn't really the same as being alone now is it? And those studies showing the sexual satisfaction of lesbians proves me right again. Lesbians are just women pretending to be fat cocks. Do they use dildos? Are they big-fat-cock sized dildos? I'm correct again.
I've addressed this already. And you mock Jordan Peterson but the political conflict between you is nothing more than 'I KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR MY DAUGHTER!' and you respond 'But Daddy I'm a big girl now! I should be able to do whatever I want! Everyone should have to be fine with everything I do, forever! HUH!? OH NO! CONSEQUENCES! DADDY! Shield me from consequences! Dispose of my offspring! Make the mean man respect me!' It's embarrassing. If you're going to set the bar for dehumanization that low, that if I'm not willing to live a sexless life and be friends with women, why should I even give a shit? Why not move somewhere where people generally just give a shit less about your want and whim? Sign me up for the sex-trafficing organ-farm breeding camps. I'm already doing the dehumanizing to you by not tolerating the retard sex. Why not go all in? I'm only expendable in-so-far-as I am a hazard to YOU. So, why not just go some place where YOUR wants don't matter? Escape the all-consuming blackhole created by your choice. The friendzone."
by Hym Iam July 7, 2023
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Wrong when it’s convenient for a charlatan to promulgate his lie.
Hym “I like Jung. On another note, what are woman’s responsibilities? I want to hear that part. Cause it sounds like fuck a cripple and have the consequences of their choices ameliorated by the men who’s responsibility it is to provide a more abundant world for the retard fucking whores while the nepotistic and deformed offspring of liars and charlatans reap the benefits of effort expended by people other than themselves. And that’s the stark reality. Your entire ethos is just appeasement, empty promises, and sophistry that serves only to keep yourself above the rabble. You’re as useless as your advice and if the people who oppose you aren’t condemned to a life is servitude, charlatans like you can’t exist.”
by Hym Iam October 28, 2022
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Look at Tim Pool's bitch ass doing soft cover for Crowder. YOU DIDN'T EVEN WATCH THE VIDEO! You want to talk about "Do the people criticizing him even have relationship experience?" Nothing about that video requires relationship experience. It seems like a lot the public discourse revolves around finding an excuse to dismiss your opposition. "Willie" Brand gets a lot of that. Don't worry Tim. As the decider of what is or is not my business, I'll talk about it for you!
Hym "Oh no! Are they weaponizing something against him that they shouldn't be? OoOoOoOoH NO! Could it have been one bad outburst that shouldn't be taken seriously? Pfffft!!! Hahaha! Your abuse is sick Steven! See... The statement makes it seem like this is a recurring thing. I guess she wasn't worthy of more than half of your bank account. She should've be trying harder to be worthy of your fat cock! No- Waitwaitwait! I have a better one! *clears throat* EHEM! It looks like she found a 3rd option! It looks like 'discipline and respect' WEREN'T the only way out of it! Ahahahahahahahahaa! Aha! Hohohohoho!"
by Hym Iam April 28, 2023
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Well, we know who's side you're on.
The fuaxriend still talks to me even though it's clear it's on the retard's side. Go fuck yourself.
by Hym Iam December 3, 2020
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Eeggh no don't suck it! 🤢
Dalai Lama "Come. Demonstrate your... Um... fortitude?... Yes! Fortitude. Demonstrate your monkly fortitude and suck my tongue." 🥵

Hym "Ew WHAT!? No, dawg! The fuck is you talkm bout? I ain't about suck no Dalai Lama Tongue!"

Dalai Lama 😡 "Fine! I'll get the little boys to do it!"

Hym "YOU'LL WHAT!? Ooooh maaan! I... Wow! I don't even know what to do here! Do... Do we, like, arrest him? Arrest the Dalai Lama? Is that allowed!? I... Egh! I'm lost here. I don't know what to do about this."

Dalai Lama "Our culture-"

Hym "No motherfucker, no! That ain't a 'culture.' Miss me with that shit. Damn... Just... Just get the fuck out of here! GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!"

Dalai Lama "I'm the Dalai Lama! You can't-"

by Hym Iam April 12, 2023
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They don't all need to be great the sheer volume is what makes it undeniably good. ALL of you are doing it.... A LOT. Objectively brilliant.
Hym "It's the volume of it, you know? You're ALL doing it all the time. AND my reach is being stifled. It's like I'm a retard in a group home and YOU don't want me to have the reach I might otherwise have should you not intervene. Ooooookkkkk. Ok. Is there some kind of boundary I'm crossing here!? OK. Ooooohhhh no. I get it. YOU'RE WRONG TO TRY AND STOP ME. That's the takeaway. You should be minding your own business right now. Don't worry about how much reach I have. Do worry about who I'm interacting with. It's none of your business... You don't have a right to stop me."
by Hym Iam January 19, 2023
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