16 definitions by Gremlin

Happiness, the greatest gift that I possess.
Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect; it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.
by Gremlin July 29, 2003
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1 "rex" from latin and "ham" from saxon, the name means "King's Town"
2 In reality, the most dirtiest, deprived, ugliest, dangerous and nastiest places I have encountered on the planet (from over thirty countries). In North East Wales, one of the UK's most economically backward areas. Full of chavs, welfare scroungers, honest people desperate to leave, awful buildings and a very corrupt local council. Wrexham is an ideal place to breed BNP sympathy, as now they have moved hundreds of illegal immigrants there. Please, just bomb it. Flat. With napalm. Anthrax. Anything.
Try to think of ten good things about, or from, Wrexham....
No, neither could I.
by Gremlin February 22, 2005
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