22 definitions by Chad Apollo

Someone who isn’t necessarily better than average looking but still enjoys overwhelming success with the ladies. The attraction is based on charisma, charm and confidence rather than pure physical attractiveness.
Did you see how Gary had all the ladies hanging all over him all night? He’s a skilled poon hunter!
by Chad Apollo February 19, 2021
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An extremely sexually active woman who also enjoys sexual variety.
Jenna banged three different guys at the party last night. She's a real bone catcher when she gets drunk!
by Chad Apollo September 27, 2017
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A man who is satisfied and content with the single lifestyle, in spite of having many opportunities to be involved in a romantic relationship.
Don't bother trying to get Steve to date Alicia. He's a happy evasive bachelor.
by Chad Apollo December 29, 2021
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Frank is proud that he no longer has to take viagra. But I think that the credit should go to his new girlfriend. She has an incredibly pleasant disposition and she's not an erection assassin!
by Chad Apollo January 27, 2018
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A description of a weak guy who has lost all masculine qualities and instincts.
Can you believe that Ed apologized to Jan for mansplaining? He used to be cool but now he's completely pussified.
by Chad Apollo February 11, 2021
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The proper place to consider an ex-lover after a bad break up. Should not be confused with the friend zone.
After she got over her anger about our break up, Nancy wanted to remain friends. But I think it's a better idea to keep her in my polite acquaintance zone.
by Chad Apollo September 27, 2018
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A light squeeze to someone's ass cheek to show appreciation for the shape of that person's posterior. One must carefully select the proper social situation for a bum pinch, since sometimes it can be considered socially inappropriate.
A cute dancer at the strip club deliberately put her sweet ass in my face, so I gave her a little bum pinch to show my appreciation.
by Chad Apollo August 2, 2019
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