Pamela is the best person she has a good body and can dans too .

Who is that hot girl

It’s Pamela
Pamela is a kind girl
by June 14, 2020
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Pamela is the most caring, kind,fun to be around she is a great listen when ur down and sad get ready for her to cheer u up u can't even put words into how beautiful, hot, sexy she is. She is the best thing u can ever so never loose her when u loose her u will regret it she is the best person their is out their she is a great GF, wife and best friend she will always be their to support u and she gets freaky at time and she will defend her and everyone else she cares about once she trust she will spill her heart out to u and she will just love u forever shes just the best thing that ever happened to me LOVE U PAMELA
Guy: hey girl u hot
Pamela: I know 😉
by Sh22ty May 7, 2018
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The pimpest of the pimp. Everyone wants to be a Pamela. Can conquer anything. Wakes up and pisses excellence. Indulges and rules in all gangstativities.< look up >
Your never meet anything above a Pamela, because it doesn't exists.
Man: Pamela you are so amazing.
Pamela: I know, i don't know why, it just keeps happening.
by Pamela H. December 16, 2008
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A Pamela is the most hottest girl out there. She has a great personality and is very trust worthy. She’s also a horny freak ;) a Pamela will always be there for you no matter what and her smile is contagious. Get yourself a Pamela and love her (you won’t regret it)
Person1: I need a hot girl
Person2: get yourself a Pamela

Person1: bet
by How ass bitch April 21, 2019
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A person who loves playing outside having fun and her laugh is enchanting, she makes smile on people faces. This girl is trustworthy , sweetest and honest person, once you spend a day with her , you will never forget the times u had. She will always have that one guy best friends with her she will always be there for him and always give those nice words people need when they are feeling down.
by SalntZbOi97 May 20, 2018
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my pamela is the sweetest,most caring,loving,thoughtful woman on the face of the earth...she puts my wants,needs,and desires before her own....she is my hot and horny and kinky ever flowing niagra...i love her more then words can say.....
hot and horny ever flowing niagra..thats my girl pamela
by pams lover April 22, 2011
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Ahhh THE Pamela. Sensitive, has insecurities, but soft—in a good way. This Pamela is definitely the funniest of the friend group. And not by jokes, but by PERSONALITY. The way she acts around mature people, blows everybody’s mind. The weird one... but we love her! Super shy, but a bold personality. Not too confident... but likes herself. Always happy, good ideas, craziest funny faces and weird but awesome wonderful laugh. ✌🏽❤️💖😁
Omg! Today, Pamela put a piece of paper into Ms. Hargravavas hair! I LOST it!😂
by YAAASS__queen! May 16, 2019
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