21 definitions by Qit el-Remel

Solidly built, broad-shouldered in proportion to height; may imply well-padded as well.
She prefers stocky guys over the bishonen type.
by Qit el-Remel April 14, 2009
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AKA "sin'dorei." The Horde's elves in World of Warcraft; high elves who became addicted to magical energy. Small and fragile-looking, with pale or ruddy complexions and glowing green eyes. Notable for being the only Horde race that can be paladins.

Often reviled for their mincing, languid animations, their snotty voice emotes, and the fact that they often pirouette when jumping.
"I only have one blood elf character, and he's a paladin."
by Qit el-Remel March 20, 2008
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1) Certain plants related to heathers and azaleas, or their small dark fruit.
2) In the drug subculture, potent cannabis with a bluish tinge.
3) In "World of Warcraft," either a voidwalker demon (originally) or a draenei.
1) Blueberries grow in the mountains.
2) My roommate was smoking blueberry and gave me a contact high.
3) I told the warlock to let the blueberry tank, and the shaman thought that I was talking about him!
by Qit el-Remel March 20, 2008
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One of the five Horde races in World of Warcraft. Resemble the classic Greek minotaur, only with hooves for feet and three-fingered hands. They have a culture that appears to be based off of several Native American tribes, are the only Horde race that can be druids, and are a blatant rebuke to anyone who misjudges the Horde as the "bad guys."
"You've got Hordies on Tanaris? Cool, I have a tauren druid there!"
by Qit el-Remel March 23, 2008
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Excessively and dramatically indignant.

Imagine that you have half-heartedly kicked some deserving party in the pants, and he is now acting as if he were mortally wounded. Then imagine the equivalent behavior in response to a verbal kick in the pants.
"My mom left me ten voicemails in one hour, so I asked her just what the big fucking emergency was. And she got butt-hurt because I used a dirty word!"
by Qit el-Remel March 24, 2008
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1) A talbuk, which is an epic mount available in World Of Warcraft.

2) A fandumb nickname for draenei, coined by people who are confused about their origin and think anything with horns and hooves is a goat.
"Why do people call draenei spacegoats, anyway?"
"Because they're from space, and they have horns and hooves."
"If they're from space, so are orcs. And...anything with horns and hooves is a goat? I'll be sure to tell your friends who play tauren that."
"Don't you dare!"
by Qit el-Remel June 2, 2009
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An old Saturday Night Live parody of ad hominem attacks made by pundits.
"Jane, you ignorant slut!" is best rebutted with "Dan, you pompous ass!"
by Qit el-Remel December 11, 2008
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