13 definitions by smpoza

A collection of Mario games for the Super Nintendo. Arguably one of the best video game deals of all time, it contains all the Super Mario Brothers games and the unreleased Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2, which was considered too hard to release in the United States.
Super Mario All-Stars is the best SNES game of all time.
by smpoza August 11, 2008
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Verb. To ditch somebody on a date.
"Hey, how'd the date with Jenny go?"
"Not so well. She posed a rabbit."
"What the shit does posing a rabbit mean?"
"Learn french."
by smpoza October 28, 2011
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Somebody who loathes their family and/or a member of their family so much that they want to kill their whole family/member of their family. This is a reference to the Uchiha clan from the anime/manga Naruto. This person may also be considered suicidal or emo.
Person 1: Hey, wanna play Bioshock or Call of Duty 4?

Person 2: ...No.

Person 1: Okay, wanna watch me play Bioshock or Call of Duty 4?

Person 2: No, I'm gonna beat up my baby brother and cut myself.

(Person 2 walks away)

Person 1: He turned down Bioshock for masochism and fratricide? What an Uchiha.
by smpoza June 19, 2008
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To shoot someone in the face. Most applicable when that someone is a beloved friend or relative of the shooter.
(guy shoots another guy in the face)

Guy 1: Whoa! You just shot Frederick Rogerson! He saved your life three times, looked after your children while you were out, for free, and introduced you to your wife of 17 years! And you Dick Cheney'd him!

Guy 2: Yeah, I Dick Cheney'd my wife and kids too.

Guy 1: You're secretly Dick Cheney, aren't you?

Guy 2: Ha-HA! Sly one, aren't you?
by smpoza February 22, 2009
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When a movie has such bad writing that you stop listening to the movie and start making up the dialogue in your head. A reference to the second movie in the star wars prequel trilogy, which had writing just as bad as phantom menace but suffered more because George Lucas was stupid enough to try to write romance scenes.
Anakin: Your skin is soft. Not like sand. Sand is hard and unpleasant to be around. Not like your skin.

Guy: Fuck it, this thing's an attack of the clones. Lucky I brought ear plugs.

Anakin in that guy's head: Wow, I can't believe how lame I am right now. I wish it could be several years later. I'll be such a bamf then. Not like sand at all.
by smpoza February 14, 2009
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Adjective. Crazy, insane, loopy, nonsensical, illogical, arbitrary, dumb.
EX1: Sarah Palin's resignation speech was the definition of whack.

EX2: Transformers 2's box office numbers are incredible! That's whack.

EX3: Nintendo hasn't ported Earthbound to the DS yet. That is completely whack.
by smpoza July 4, 2009
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Noun. Somebody who is extremely opinionated about porn and judges others based on their porn choices. Feels that they prefer porn that is "classier" than the average porn.
"I'd NEVER go on youporn. The penetration is so vulgar! I'll stick to Playboy, thank you very much."

"Don't be such a porn snob dude."
by smpoza August 31, 2011
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