A name originated from Germany that can be pronounced with a silent “e”.
Hey Wolfe, what page are we on?
by CarloTheLost January 21, 2022
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A Beautiful Young Woman With Eyes Like The Ocean And Hair Like Snow..Her Kindness Is Beyond Your Imagination..You Need Someone To Talk To? You Got It! Wolfe Is Also A Princess. A Princess In Wisteeriaa, A Magical Land.. Wolfe Is More Of A Mommies Girl And Has A Very Good Love Life. She Has A Life Far Better Than Yours.
Wolfe - A Name

Oh Have You Seen Wolfe Over There!
by TwinkleSprinkleUwUPony69420 November 23, 2021
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A strict mom that got hit by a car. Usually has a son named Aidan. Known to live in complexes that are fairly nice. Died when she was crossing the street and got hit by a car. Her last words were. Aidan your grounded.
by WilliamHamming November 29, 2019
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Telling your mates you tucked a bitch into bed, but you really sexually assaulted her.
"Wow Kylan what happened to treating bitches with respect? that one was really of the wolf"
by Brizzle Bror March 14, 2021
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A man who claims to be Wolf Born (tough, hard, strong) by his own claiming, is a man to avoid, and especially to keep your kids away from. They are men who have amounted to little or nothing, and hidden their past by trying to look like heroic and decent men.

Wolf Born are men who claim good things, but are actually more like thespians in waking days. Actor Daahlings with bad intentions. If you say a man is wolf born, then you mean he is a liar, a faker, a pretender, and most of all, a man of ill-will, low-morals, and a cheat.

They often dress like tough men, and speak of tough deeds, but they are the gossips, the manipulators and liars and cheats of the world. If you meet a man who says he is born of the wolf, then you risk being the target of manipulation and gossip if you befriend him.

So whenever someone says ‘that’s a wolf born’ - what they really mean, is that is a liar and a manipulative man, lacking in virtue or strength of character, but full of gossip and lies.

‘Avoid the wolf born’ they say in Northern England, and stick by the honorable and decent, real and every day folk, instead.
Oh he acts like he’s Wolf Born… you know what that means, stay well clear, and keep your kids away even more.
by Wolfy Born October 15, 2022
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The act of suddenly changing lanes for no reason, generally done to mess with the stoners, drunks, or oblivious people who are packed into the back of your car.
You: What's that in the road up there?
Stoners in the backseat: TIMBER WOLF!
*you abrubtly change lanes*
by Keturah November 21, 2009
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A large and hairy straight man, fit or not.
Dude: " Tim looks like a gay bear."
Girl: " No Tim is straight, he's a pure timber wolf not a bear."
by TimberWolf254 November 1, 2017
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