31 definitions by bezel333

Pouring some milk on ice cream in a bowl will, after you finish eating the ice cream, leave you with a wonderful bonus fluid.
I can't wait to enjoy the bonus fluid at the bottom of the bowl.
by bezel333 January 2, 2006
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Someone who tries to be cool or hip but is not.
Hey blomide, stop trying to act like you own the place.
by bezel333 December 31, 2005
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A boss who is controlling and always micro-managing.
I knew this is the way it would turn out, leave it to the crizel factor.
by bezel333 December 31, 2005
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To be very sad and depressed. To mope about and want people to feel sorry for you.
by bezel333 January 2, 2006
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Oh man, it was so gross, he blew chum all over her skirt.
by bezel333 December 31, 2005
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An older woman who is not attactive but thinks that she is.
I can not believe that fred thinks crusty box is fresh!
by bezel333 December 31, 2005
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That nasty light colored scum-like material that forms at the corners of one's mouth.
I so wanted to tell that guy to wipe the crulex off his friggin lips!
by bezel333 January 2, 2006
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